
Seminole County Public Schools Are Academically High Achieving

"A" Rated District
1st in Central Florida
1st of 17 Largest Districts
5th of 67 Districts in the State

Walker Elementary is an 'A' school

What people say when asked what they like about Walker Elementary:

Teachers -
" I love the teachers that work here. They are hard-working and dedicated to students' success."
"Walker is a family and the teachers are there for each other. They always try to do what is best for our students. I also like the parent involvement at our school."

"I like that the school is organized and they are fair to us."
"The teachers are nice and good at their job."

"I like the dedication of my children's teachers. I like the opportunity of the Dual Language Program, the RAP Program and other mentoring opportunities provided to the students. I like the opportunity for parents to be as involved as they choose."
"The teachers and staff are amazing."

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